Support us with your membership for the price of a few coffees

Through your annual membership, you will support us in our mission of Amazon preservation and conservation.

Membership fees will go towards our ‘not for profit’ endeavours and get the ball rolling with such expenses as having timber artefacts assessed for preservation and quoted on by a specialised conservator.

Members receive an exclusive newsletter keeping you up to date on the progress of our mission, new finds and the mysteries of Amazon.

Annual membership rates

  • Families $40
  • Single $20
  • Children $10

Annual membership runs from 1st April each year until 31st March the following year.


Donations towards our ongoing preservation of significant artefacts are always appreciated and gratefully accepted.


Purchase merchandise to support our preservation of the Amazon.

Banking details

  • Account name: Amazon 1863 Project Inc.
  • BSB: 633-000 (Bendigo Bank)
  • Account number: 171 987 563
  • Reference: Please include your name as the payment reference

Banking details will be included in the confirmation email that we will automatically send once you submit the form.

Membership Application / Renewal Form

    Your name*



    Email address* (Please ensure that this is correct)

    New or existing member* New membershipRenewal of existing membership

    Membership type* Families $40Singles $20Children $10Donation Only

    Payment amount* (Membership fee plus any Donation) $

    Families: Please include all member names (Regulations require completed forms for all members)

    Do you have any relevant special trade, interest or hobby?

    Spam protection*. What is

    Click 'Submit' when ready to send the application to us. You will automatically receive a confirmation copy via email.